Acts 1:8 (NIrV) You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you, then you will be my witness in Jerusalem. You will be my witness in Judea and Samaria. And you will be my witness from one end of the earth to the other.
While larger cities and towns across Canada might be blessed with outreach organizations and churches scattered throughout, this is not a reality for most northern First Nations communities.
250,000 copies of the easy-to-read NIrV Scriptures have been published by LifeLight in the last 25 years. 50,000 new The LifeLight for the Nations with testimonies by First Nations leaders have arrived. This Scripture is similar to the first editions of The LifeLight in that it features the easy-to-read NIrV translation. With dictionaries and study helps, this publication has positively impacted the lives of millions.
Our goal is to systematically distribute Scriptures in EVERY First Nations Community in Canada within 2 years. We NEED your help. Let us know how you would like to help.
First Nations leaders featured in the 2022 publication
CLLM has been dedicated to reaching out to these communities with the Bible for nearly 15 years. Peter Loewen, Greg Armstrong and Wayne Herrod, have been driving all over northern Manitoba, as well as flying in to many communities where this is the only option, developing relationships with some of the chiefs and getting the Bible into people’s hands. We want to reach every tribal community in Canada in the next TWO years and your INVOLVEMENT is crucial.
With a lot of prayer, God has been opening more and more doors for LifeLight! One of the chiefs said to us, “The Bible is the only thing that has made positive change in our community – it has changed our lives!”
Tens of thousands of Bibles have been distributed in homes, schools, recreation centers and nursing stations throughout the Manitoba north and for many, this is the first time they have EVER heard of Christ and SEEN God’s Word.
With your help, we can continue to work with these communities, as well as assist other ministries that are passionate about bringing the Good News of Jesus up north. We would also like to expand our distribution to other First Nations communities throughout Canada with God’s help and volunteers willing to organize this type of outreach.
If you would like to help us fill this need by making a donation, please contact us. Reaching these communities takes prayer, commitment, time, resources and money. Please help First Nations people find God! Get involved – Form a chapter in your community and reach out!