Our Scripture are given away FREE to those who need them.
LifeLight Ministries exists to serve Christ by enabling His followers to provide God’s Word for today.
Up to $200 of Scripture and Scripture products may be granted to approved partner Christians and Christian groups to give away FREE. Additional free Scriptures may be ordered if Canadian LifeLight Ministries (CLLM) has sufficient funds in your ministry-specific Bible Fund.
Recipients of FREE Scriptures will be informed of the costs and are encouraged to donate to our Bible Fund so we may provide FREE Scriptures to give away to the next individual or group needing Scripture.
We invite you to partner with us in ministry and help provide Scriptures to those who do not have the ability to fund their Scripture needs.
*Bibles will only be shipped within Canada from LifeLight
Fill out the Bible Grant Application Online
Download and mail the Bible Application Form