Guidelines for Free Scripture and Scripture Products
- Up to $200 of Scripture and Scripture products may be granted to approved partner Christians and Christian groups to give away FREE to people who promise to read them. Additional free Scriptures may be ordered if Canadian LifeLight Ministries (CLLM) has sufficient funds in your ministry-specific Bible Fund.
- CLLM does NOT sell Scriptures or Scripture products. Scriptures CANNOT be resold.
- CLLM accepts donations from individuals, members, friends, groups, churches, businesses, and parachurch organizations, Sunday school classes, missionary groups, etc.
- Ministry-specific donations should be made payable to Canadian LifeLight Ministries. Write Designated to Ministry _______ on the memo part of the cheque.
- Recipients of FREE Scripture will be informed of the cost and will be encouraged to consider a donation to the General Bible Fund (in any amount) to be used to provide FREE Scripture for the next individual or group needing Scripture to give away FREE.
- Mail donations to:
Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc
Unit 61-81 Garry Street (Mezzanine Level)
Winnipeg MB R3C 4J9